Daily Tasks/Shared living

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  • Daily tasks/Shared living

Advocating Care Services provides services to people who have intense, irregular, or unpredictable needs for activities of daily living support that are not available through home support or chronic care services. These needs require 24 hour availability of on-site attendant care. In shared living, individuals live in a shared setting such as a group home or congregate living setting and receive Attendant services. Personal support services are provided for activities of daily living such as bathing and toileting, range of motion exercises as well as the instrumental activities of daily living such as life-skills and light housekeeping support. The focus of this support service is to offer high quality care and support to NDIS participants in a shared environment, so that they are able to do their tasks on their own, in the right manner. NDIS plans are designed to provide necessary support to their participants to take part in daily activities. Whether you need support for regular personal activities or support for daily tasks we can guarantee that we will assist you in developing a plan to help you live independently.

We can assist you with:

We cater to each one of our participants’ unique set of abilities so that they can get as much value from our assistance as possible. We want you to be able to live independently and feel supported. We support you to get the most out of your time and provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to live independently.

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